Updated 3-6-2025
MONTHLY MEETINGS updated 3/6/2025:
2025 MEETINGS (subject to change):
Thursday, March 20, 7 PM - "The History of Cove Gap, and other Volumes" presenter: Mark Wilmoth, 7 PM. Location: Trinity United Church of Christ on East Seminary Street in Mercersburg.
Thursday, April 24 , 7 PM - Presentation in the historic Sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church. "The James Buchanan Award will be presented and Messa Voce from James Buchanan High School will perform under the direction of Eric Poe." Location: East Seminary Street.
Thursday, May 15, 7 PM - "Harriet Lane Birthday Celebration". The Harriet Lane Award will be presented by Mayor Michael Perdersen and more. Location: The Upper West Concococheague Presbyterian Church on West Seminary Street.
Thursday, June 19, 6:30 PM - 'Stained Glass Window Tour of the Mercersburg Academy Chapel", presenter: Campus Minister, Will Whitmore.
Mondays, July 14, 21, 28 - "Mercersburg Walking Tours", 6:30 - 8:00 PM. The Tours will begin in the Fendrick Library on Main Street. MORE DETAILS TO COME! presenters: Joan McCulloh and Ron Martin-Minnich.
Thursday, September 18, 7 PM - "TWEP 25th Anniversary Celebration". Location: The Brightbill Center building next to James Buchanan High School. Bring your memories of Charles Brightbill to share!